The Princess
    Fiona is 19 years young, and always wears her heart on her sleeve. A certified foodie and a home-buddy, and enjoys devouring chocolates on rainy Sunday mornings. ❤

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    Having the blues

    We will be having our OJT orientation on Wednesday morning.

    The more it's nearing, the more that I am getting nervous. And pressured. What company/companies should I apply for? Heck, I am not even preparing my resume yet. Should I be worried? Actually, yes. I am getting hell worried.

    And this is actually one of those times that I doubt my writing (and working) capabilities. I have high hopes, I won't deny it, of getting accepted in my dream companies as an intern. However, I shall admit that I am still on my way to improving ang reburshing my skills, and I am afraid that those wouldn't be enough to meet the requirements and standards of my dream companies. I know, paranoid much?

    But I am on my way. And I shall not give up.


    ? "Having the blues" was Posted On: Thursday, November 28, 2013 @10:32 PM | 0 lovely comments ?

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