The Princess
    Fiona is 19 years young, and always wears her heart on her sleeve. A certified foodie and a home-buddy, and enjoys devouring chocolates on rainy Sunday mornings. ❤

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    I have been planning to do this for weeks. Tonight, I was about to abandon the thought of finally doing this because I cannot figure out the right words to express my sentiments.

    I have liked a whole bunch of guys in my entire life, but never like you. I have experienced those sleepless nights finding the exact song to dedicate to these teensy crushes, but not like this one that I have felt towards you. You're not like the typical one that I come across with in the halls or corridors anymore. We work together, and each time, you turn to me everytime you need backup. So no matter how big my efforts are just to unlike you, to not to smile at your jokes and not to get lost in your eyes everytime you look at me, I can't help it in the end. And it's insane.

    Often times, I catch you looking at me and then you would look away. I never knew why, but I don't think I would ever want to know. Little did you know how loud I scream your name on the inside as I appear silent on the outside. I know you also have a lot of things to say. Me, as well. But these unspoken things will never leave our lips. This is how we are right now, and this is how we are going to be.

    I never told you how exactly I felt about you, did I? And right now, I am writing down my unspoken thoughts knowing deep down inside of me that you will never have the chance to read and know, because I will never show you. I am okay with this set-up: stuck in an impasse.

    And as I pen my thoughts tonight, I asked myself, is there really a possibility of us? But I have come to realize that maybe, you were meant to be out of ym reach. Maybe, you were never meant to be the brightest star in my galaxy.

    Maybe you are just supposed to be a really bright star on a separate corner, making my universe a bit brighter.

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    ? "Impasse" was Posted On: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 @6:48 PM | 0 lovely comments ?

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